Meet the SA Law Team

UK Solicitors with strong commercial instinct, who deliver pragmatic legal advice with passion and care.

Our clients tell us that the advice we give is 'pragmatic, sensible and solutions-orientated'.

That's why we are proud that so many of our solicitors are recognised as leaders in their specialist fields by independent legal research bodies the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners

You can search for an SA Law expert by name or specialist field below.

Our people can be contacted directly through their biographies or simply call our team who can direct you to the right expert: +44(0)1727 798000 or +44(0)20 7183 5683. 

Alex Wyatt
Alex Wyatt

Principal Associate Solicitor | Property Dispute Resolution Team

SA Law football table player team
Alexandra Miller

Consultant Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Alia Javid, Trainee Solicitor
Alia Javid

Trainee Solicitor | Employment Team

Amanda Broome
Amanda Broome

Paralegal | Real Estate Team

Amber Keye, Legal Graduate Apprentice
Amber Keye

Graduate Legal Apprentice | Corporate & Commercial Team

Amy Osman, Solicitor
Amy Osman

Associate Solicitor | Wills & Probate team

Andrea Tankel SA Law
Andrea Tankel

Consultant | SA Law Leigh Davis

Angelique Vadaszffy
Angelique Vadaszffy

Personal Assistant | Real Estate Team

Anna Billy | SA Law
Anna Billy

Paralegal (ACILEX) | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

SA Law football table player team
Anne Stockley

Associate Solicitor | Wills & Probate team

Ashleigh MacCormack

Trainee Solicitor | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

Beth Leng | SA Law
Beth Leng

Partner | Employment Team

Beverley Joubert
Beverley Joubert

Credit Controller

Catherine Robson
Catherine Robson

Associate Solicitor | Wills & Probate Team

Charlie Cheshire
Charlie Cheshire

Personal Assistant | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

Chris Cook
Chris Cook

Partner | Head of Employment & Data Protection

Christine Caffrey
Christine Caffrey

Senior Associate Solicitor | Employment Team

Claire Boyes
Claire Boyes

Personal Assistant | Family Law Team

Clare Mackay
Clare Mackay

Principal Associate Solicitor | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

SA Law football table player team
David Higgins

Consultant | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

Photo close up of football table player
Dawn Hill

Personal Assistant | Family Law Team

Debbie Vernon
Debbie Vernon

Personal Assistant | Real Estate Team

Eloise Hopping, Legal Graduate Apprentice
Eloise Hopping

Graduate Legal Apprentice | Real Estate Team

Emily Dean

Executive | Marketing & Business Development

Emily Morrison, Solicitor, SA Law
Emily Morrison

Associate Solicitor | Employment Team

SA Law football table player team
Emma Ryan

Accounts Assistant | Finance & Accounts

Erica Lowen
Erica Lowen

Personal Assistant | Real Estate Team

SA Law Gary Dunger
Gary Dunger

Partner | Joint Head of Real Estate

Gemma Cosnett
Gemma Cosnett

Credit Controller

Gemma Jones
Gemma Jones

Consultant | Employment & Immigration Team

Gita Patel
Gita Patel

Senior Associate Solicitor | Employment Team

SA Law football table player team
Hardip Dale

Associate Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Helen Young
Helen Young

Senior Associate Solicitor | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

Jacqui Button SA Law
Jacqui Button

Partner | Real Estate Team

James Cresswell Consultant SA Law st Albans London
James Cresswell

Consultant | Employment Team

James Foy, Trainee Solicitor
James Foy

Trainee Solicitor | Family Law Team

Janice Poon, Trainee Solicitor, SA Law
Janice Poon

Trainee Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Jo Hood
Jo Hood

Administrator | Business Administration

Joanna Scamman
Joanna Scamman

Senior Associate Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Joanna Whiting SA Law
Joanna Whiting

Personal Assistant | SA Law Leigh Davis

John Woodhead

Consultant Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Julie Cohen SA Law
Julie Cohen

Senior Associate Solicitor | Family Law Team

Julie Trustram
Julie Trustram

Personal Assistant | Wills & Probate Team

Kelly Pike
Kelly Pike

Principal Associate | Head of Human Resources

Kiran Afsar | SA Law
Kiran Afsar

Paralegal | Corporate & Commercial Team

Kiran Beeharry
Kiran Beeharry

Partner | Family Law Team

Liam Orton

Associate Solicitor | Property Litigation Team

Liz Orman

Senior Associate Solicitor | Family Law Team

Louise Beddoes | SA Law
Louise Beddoes

Head of Marketing & Business Development | Marketing & Business Development

Lucianna O'Neill, Solicitor
Lucianna O’Neill

Associate Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Mahima Sikandari, Paralegal
Mahima Sikandari

Paralegal | Real Estate Team

Marilyn Bell
Marilyn Bell

Partner | Head of Family Law

Mark Standish
Mark Standish

Consultant | Corporate and Commercial Team

Matthew Wong, Senior Marketing & BD Executive
Matt Wong

Senior Executive | Marketing & Business Development

Nikki Petken, Partner
Nikki Petken

Partner | Corporate & Commercial Team

Oksana Grundy
Oksana Grundy

Paralegal | Employment Team

Osman Gakou
Osman Gakou

Senior Associate | Head of Finance & Accounts

Peter Goodman
Peter Goodman

Consultant | Corporate & Commercial Team

Rebecca Kemball-Cook
Rebecca Kemball-Cook

Accounts Assistant | Finance & Accounts

Rob Ryall
Robert Ryall

Partner | Joint Head of Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Robin Leigh

Senior Consultant | SA Law Leigh Davis

Sabina Cassata | SA Law
Sabina Cassata

Associate Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Saira Parveen | SA Law
Saira Parveen

Senior Associate Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Sam Walsh
Sam Walsh

HR Manager | Human Resources

Sarah Howe
Sarah Howe

Personal Assistant | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

Sharon Mitchell

Consultant | Corporate & Commercial Team

Sheila McEntee
Sheila McEntee

Administrator | Business Administration

Shila Gurung, Accounts Assistant
Shila Gurung

Accounts Assistant | Finance & Accounts

Simon Foxcroft, Solicitor
Simon Foxcroft

Associate Solicitor | Property Dispute Resolution Team

Simon Walsh
Simon Walsh

Partner | Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

Simran Gupta
Simran Gupta

Senior Associate Solicitor | Family Law Team

SA Law football table player team
Sita Dhadra

Legal Cashier | Finance & Accounts

Sonal Parekh, Solicitor
Sonal Parekh

Associate Solicitor | Family Law Team

Stan Harris
Stan Harris

Consultant | Corporate & Commercial Team

Steve Kenneford
Steve Kenneford

Partner | Joint Head of Real Estate

Steve Ryan
Steve Ryan

Joint Managing Partner | Real Estate Team

SA Law football table player team
Tahmid Majeed

Associate Solicitor | Corporate & Commercial Team

Tracy Lacey-Smith

Joint Managing Partner | Joint Head of Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Victoria King, Senior Associate
Victoria King

Principal Associate Solicitor | Real Estate Team

Vincent Billings
Vincent Billings

Partner | Corporate & Commercial Team

Yezdan Izzet, Partner
Yezdan Izzet

Partner | Head of Property Dispute Resolution

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If you’re not sure who to contact, simply complete our enquiry form or call us on 01727 798000, and we'll direct you to the right legal expert.

It costs nothing to make an enquiry and it is entirely confidential. See our privacy notice to find out how we use and protect your data.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Speak to our law specialists

We understand that if you are experiencing harassment, . Our experts are on your side and here to help you.

Call us on 01727 798000, send us a message over live chat, or complete the enquiry form below to discuss your options.

It costs nothing to make an enquiry and it is entirely confidential. See our privacy notice to find out how we use and protect your data.

If you would like to contact a specific member of the SA Law team, you can view all team profiles here.