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Good coverage in private law children and financial work, so they are able to offer a full service to clients.
Freezing Injunctions in Divorce and Financial Remedy Proceedings
Kiran Beeharry discusses freezing injunctions in divorce and the key things you should know about them.
Coercive Control and Family Law Proceedings
Coercive control - what is it and how to refer the matter to the police.
School Applications for Parents who are Separating or Separated
Separating or separated parents have a lot to think about when it comes to school applications. Starting your homework early gives you the best chance…
Moving Abroad with Children After Divorce
When a parent wishes to move abroad with the child(ren) after a divorce, setting the right tone and taking an appropriate approach from the start will…
Foreign Nationals Seeking an English Divorce
London has often been referred to as the ‘divorce capital of the world’. But why is it that so many people with foreign nationality choose to end their…
Joint Tenancies in Family Matters: The Pitfalls and Benefits
Increasingly, a large proportion of a family’s wealth lies in the family home. Most people, however, seem to be unaware of the way in which they own their…