Living Together & Relationship Breakdown

If you and your partner are planning to live together SA Law can help you and your partner draw up a cohabitation agreement.
SA Law’s team of Family lawyers can advise on how you can arrange for a Cohabitation Agreement to be drawn up setting out the agreement reached between you regarding your finances if you subsequently separate.
If your relationship breaks down
If you are not married but your relationship has broken down, you may have several decisions to make.
Cohabitants and their legal advisers must be aware of current UK laws and legal rulings regarding cohabitation and cohabitant disputes. This applies particularly to the purchase of a home, mortgage agreements, and other joint finances which might affect cohabitants especially in the event of a dispute or the termination of any cohabitation agreement. Co-buyers entering into a mortgage arrangement may wish to declare a trust on the transfer form which clearly identifies their beneficial interest in the property.
Our Family Law team can help you make the appropriate declarations at the time of purchase and to ensure clarity for both parties in the event of disputes. In the event of a relationship breaking down, cohabitants may have several decisions to make regarding property held in joint names, property held by one party and issues regarding any children affected by the cohabitation dispute.
For example:
- If property is held in joint names, is it to be sold, and if so how will the proceeds be divided?
- If property is held in the name of only one of you the Trust of Land and Trustees Act can allow recognition of contributions to the mortgage or purchase price.
- Can you establish a claim to property under a Constructive or Resulting trust
- Maintenance for the children
- Who will the children live with and what contact will the other parent have?

Marilyn Bell

Kiran Beeharry

Julie Cohen

James Foy

Simran Gupta

Sonal Parekh

Claire Boyes

Dawn Hill

SA Law’s Family Team is extremely professional, very thorough and pragmatic.