Corporate webinar: How do restrictive covenants in mergers and acquisitions protect competitive advantage, and what does it mean to be bound by one?

Catch up on part two of our restrictive covenants webinar series for an insightful look at this essential legal tool.

Did you miss our webinar? Watch the recording on demand here.

On 27th January Vincent Billings, SA Law’s Head of Corporate, was joined by specialist barrister Jeremy Scott-Joynt from Outer Temple Chambers to host episode two of our restrictive covenants webinar series. Vincent and Jeremy dissected the how, why and when of restrictive covenants. Focusing on Corporate Restrictive Covenants, which have become a standard feature of business sales, acquisitions and mergers, as well as shareholder agreements. They also examined both perspectives – how businesses apply restrictive covenants, and how individuals abide by them. 

Restrictive covenants define how Sellers of a business as well as current shareholders can be restricted from re-entering the market, poaching employees and soliciting your clients and customers. It is vital that businesses are clear about their application and constraints. 

Using practical examples, the panel answered key questions such as:

  • What should I be protecting?
  • Can I stop someone competing against my business?
  • Can I work in the same industry if I’ve just sold a business?
  • What if I own two or more businesses that compete?
  • How should I respond to an accusation of breaching a covenant?
  • Can I negotiate or contest a restrictive covenant?

This on demand webinar will be of particular interest to business owners, shareholders, managing directors and finance directors of businesses of any size or sector.

As always, SA Law’s friendly and informal webinars arm you with essential legal information that brings value to your business, while minimising your exposure to risk.

Watch the webinar recording on demand now by clicking here or watching the video below.

Watch the corporate restrictive covenants webinar on demand now

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