Views & Insights
The law evolves continuously, and one of our missions is to keep you informed about how this could affect you, particularly where it presents new opportunities or risks. Use the filters below to search for a topic, or simply enter a search term.

Employment Rights Bill Update
The Employment Rights Bill (ERB), the government's flagship Bill proposing significant changes to employment law, completed its Committee Stage in the…

Handling personal data within GDPR
Frequently, employers receive Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR) from their employees or former employees. These are requests for information about personal…

National Minimum Wage: 371,000 workers underpaid in April 2024
The Low Pay Commission (LPC) estimates that around 371,000 people were underpaid in the year to April 2024. The figures published in the Compliance and…

National Minimum Wage increase from April 2025
The National Living Wage for those aged 21 and over will rise from 1 April 2025 to £12.21 to reflect the cost of living under Labour’s Plan to Make Work…

Amendments to the Employment Rights Bill
In October, the Government published its landmark Employment Rights Bill. See our article on this topic: “New Employment Rights Bill: Key Implications…

Comments About an Employee’s Accent Could be ‘Related to’ Race Under Harassment Law
In Carozzi v University of Hertfordshire and another, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that the Employment Tribunal was incorrect to find that…

2025 Employment Law Changes: Rate Changes
This is an update to our previous article (How the Autumn Budget 2024 Impacts Employers and Employees) to factor in the new rates in relation to family…

Tesco Fire and Rehire Disallowed Rules Supreme Court
In Tesco Stores v Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers and others, five Justices of the Supreme Court reimposed an injunction preventing Tesco…

How to Support Neurodiverse Employees
There are common struggles when it comes to businesses managing employees with neurodiversity. From neurodiverse employees not wanting to mention they…

Duty to Prevent Sexual Harassment at Work
On 26 October 2024 a new duty to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment at work came into force under the Worker Protection (Amendment of…

Office Christmas Parties: Jolly times and Considering the Dos and Don’ts
As we head towards the festive season, the office Christmas party can be the highlight of the year for many employees. Christmas parties offer the opportunity…

New product safety regulations
New safety standards for products made available on the EU market will introduce significant changes for all key players in the supply chain.The General…

The Benefits of Settling Dispute Resolution Outside of Court
There has been a reluctance by some lawyers to offer private financial dispute resolution options, despite them being effective and confidential in divorce…

How the Autumn Budget 2024 impacts employers and employees
On 30th October 2024, Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivered the Labour Party’s Autumn Budget, outlining how the Government plans to raise revenue through…

What is the Legal Position for Paying Employees Holiday Pay and Overtime Pay?
Holiday pay is a fundamental element of employee remuneration. Understanding the legal framework underlying this statutory benefit help employers to pay…

Employment Guide to Termination Payments
Termination payments vary significantly depending on the circumstances of the termination, as well as the employment contracts in placeNavigating the…

Domestic Abuse in Financial Remedy Cases - What Needs to Change?
500 family justice professionals deem that domestic abuse is often overlooked in financial remedy cases. Marilyn Bell discusses why it’s…

What Impact will the Government's Autumn Budget have on Divorcing Couples?
With the UK government’s Autumn Budget being announced, Kiran Beeharry was asked to comment on the implications the budget will bring from a…

Employment Status of Part Time Football Referees
Employers who engage workers on a temporary, event-driven, or ad-hoc basis could face significant financial consequences following a recent ruling on…

Changes to Apprenticeship Levy Funding
Plans to change the apprenticeship levy funding have been announced by the government as part of its reform the apprenticeships system in England, with…

SA Law achieves top rankings in both The Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners research
The latest Chambers and Partners UK Legal Guide, and The UK Legal 500 Solicitors Guide 2025, have once more ranked SA Law as a top tier law firm.Both…

What Should Startups Consider When Looking to Merge with Another Company?
Are you a startup looking to merge with another company? Vincent Billings offers top tips on the due diligence and regulations startups will need to consider…

How to Control Credit and Cashflow
What are the best ways to control credit and cashflow for your business? Simon Walsh provides top tips on how to ensure your credit control team is running…

New Employment Rights Bill: key implications for employers
As promised, the Labour Government has unveiled its much-anticipated Employment Rights Bill, within its first 100 days of coming into office. The proposed…

SA Law enter The Legal 500's Hall of Fame
Marilyn Bell, Head of Family Law at SA Law, has been listed in The Legal 500 2025 Hall of Fame. She is one of only nine family lawyers in the South East…

What can Employers Learn From the Recent Unfair Dismissal Case of a Teacher With Autism?
After a teacher with autism was sacked and won £850k at tribunal, Stephanie Clarke was asked to comment on the learning lessons from the case, and how…

Employment Appeal Tribunal Finds no Requirement to Reduce Compensatory Award
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found that a compensatory award does not necessarily need to be reduced where there is a finding of contributory…

Next sales staff win claims for equal basis basic with warehouse staff
The Employment Tribunal has held that the retailer Next was in breach of equal pay law by paying warehouse staff a higher rate of pay than shop-floor…

The Difficulties Family Courts Face When Litigants are Unrepresented
Marilyn Bell explains the difficulties in the family courts when litigants don’t have representation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Pros and Cons for SMEs
Simon Walsh covers the continuing rise in the use of ADR in commercial disputes as well as the introduction of mandatory mediations in money claims for…

Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination in the Workplace
Research conducted by the charity “Pregnant Then Screwed” has revealed that pregnancy and maternity discrimination continues to play a significant role…

Supporting Disabled Workers with Hybrid Working: Guidance for Employers
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has released new resources to help small and medium-sized employers support disabled workers in hybrid…

Freezing Injunctions in Divorce and Financial Remedy Proceedings
Kiran Beeharry discusses freezing injunctions in divorce and the key things you should know about them.

Coercive Control and Family Law Proceedings
Coercive control - what is it and how to refer the matter to the police.

ICO Launches Privacy Notice Generator for Small Businesses
Small organisations and sole traders can now create bespoke privacy policies quickly and at little cost, using a new tool created by the Information Commissioner’s…

How Can a Lack of Legal Representation Restrict the Investigative Powers of the Family Courts?
Marilyn Bell comments on the case of a judge ruling on twin's existence in The Legal Diary.

Private Equity Data Rooms: How to Position Your Company for Success
Nikki Petken offers some top tips to business leaders of start-ups on how to best prepare for private equity data rooms.

Things for Employers to Consider With the new 'Right to Switch Off' Law
With the UK’s new “right to switch off”, giving employees the ability to disconnect from work outside of working hours, Christine Caffrey shares some…

School Applications for Parents who are Separating or Separated
Separating or separated parents have a lot to think about when it comes to school applications. Starting your homework early gives you the best chance…

Moving Abroad with Children After Divorce
When a parent wishes to move abroad with the child(ren) after a divorce, setting the right tone and taking an appropriate approach from the start will…

Top Tips for Finance Start-ups Embarking on Joint Ventures
In a recent article published by Finextra, Tahmid Majeed offers some top tips and key considerations for finance start-ups who are looking to embark on…

King Charles Outlines Labour’s Intended Employment Laws.
Last month, the King’s Speech outlined the new Labour Government’s legislative agenda in what is described as “the biggest upgrade to workers’ rights…

Joint Tenancies in Family Matters: The Pitfalls and Benefits
Increasingly, a large proportion of a family’s wealth lies in the family home. Most people, however, seem to be unaware of the way in which they own their…

Foreign Nationals Seeking an English Divorce
London has often been referred to as the ‘divorce capital of the world’. But why is it that so many people with foreign nationality choose to end their…

‘Will you be my Civil Partner?’
Whether you’re getting married or forming a civil partnership, you will be legally recognising your relationship.The excitement of the day may entail…

SA Law Granted Law Society Accolade for the Sixteenth Year Running
SA Law is proud to announce that it has been awarded Lexcel for the sixteenth year running.

New partner strengthens Corporate & Commercial team at SA Law
New Partner, Nikki Petken brings a unique blend of in-house commercial strategy, legal expertise, and adeptness in crisis management to the clients of…

What are the Labour Party’s plans for employment law?
With the general election getting closer, the Labour Party has set out plans for far-reaching changes to workplace rights and protections for individuals…

Can You Move to Another Part of the Country After Divorce?
Where there is no court order setting out the child arrangements, technically the parent the children predominantly live with may relocate within England…

GP's Call for Workers to Self Certify Sickness for up to 14 Days
Proposals made by doctors at the British Medical Association permitting workers to “self-certify” sickness for up to 14 days have been met with opposition…