SA Law win double at the Herts Digital Awards

Thu 28th Sep 2017

The Herts Digital Awards recognise the best digital marketing in the county and this year has honoured SA Law with gold awards for their use of social media and for their ground-breaking Reluctant Divorcee blog.

We are delighted to share the news of our double win at the Hertfordshire Digital Awards.

The first of our wins was for the way we use social media. This was praised for its’ 'diverse content that adds real value' to all of our followers across the different networks including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more recently Instagram & Spotify. Our social feeds include content from legal guidance, lemon dribble cake recipes in conjunction with our community activity, and updates on our charitable work. We use imagery to make sure the feed is interesting and relevant, something that the judges obviously agreed with. We enjoy connecting with our online audiences and take pride in being accessible and understanding of modern business needs.

Our second win was for The Reluctant Divorcee blog featuring Rebecca Green ( Rebecca is a fictional character created by SA Law's Marketing and Family team to help existing and potential clients understand the divorce process. The blog describes separation and divorce in real time and is an open and honest account of Rebecca's experience of divorce. We follow her journey from admitting her marriage is over to initial discussions with legal experts. You can also follow the story via Twitter by searching for the hashtag #ReluctantDivorcee

The Reluctant Divorcee's story has been developing since the end of last year and in that time she has become very close to all our hearts as it gains momentum and a following online. This is a genuinely innovative first-of-its-kind marketing campaign, and we are delighted that the blog has been recognised. 

We would also like to congratulate all of the SA Law Family Team for representing divorcees in such a ground-breaking format and for SA Law's Marketing team for their vision and hard work, without which, this wouldn’t happen.

If you’d like to find out more about Rebecca and her journey, please do visit

SA Law Herts Digital Awards best blog
Cleverly conceived, engaging, relevant, helpful and prolific, this gold winner raises the bar for business bloggers across Hertfordshire.
Herts Digital Awards Judges about SA Law's Reluctant Divorcee Blog
Marilyn Bell & Julie Gingell at the Herts Digital Awards SA Law
Adding value is the secret of social media success and SA Law really delivers on that. A powerful content strategy backed by strong images. Solid gold!
Herts Digital Awards Judges about SA Law's use of social media
Herts Digi awards SA Law marketing team social media award
SA Law Herts Digital Awards best social media
SA Law Herts Digi Awards Winners 2017

© SA LAW 2025

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