HR Forum Webinar: Neurodiversity

A practical guide to managing neurodiversity in the workplace

Thursday 10 October, 10.00 am

(Microsoft Teams Webinar)

Around one in seven people in the UK has a neuro difference, so even a smaller organisation is likely to have workers who demonstrate some form of neurodiversity.

On World Mental Health Day, join us for a 360-degree experts-eye view on identifying, managing, and embracing neurodiversity in the workplace.

Providing practical guidance for HR professionals and line managers in small and medium-sized organisations, our webinar will cover:

  • Neurodiversity and neurodivergent conditions.
  • Why neurodiversity is important for employers.
  • Practical steps towards neuro inclusion:
  1. Identifying neurodivergent conditions
  2. How to start a conversation about neurodiversity
  3. Making workplace adjustments
  4. Creating a culture of support and inclusion
  • Real-life examples – learning from others 

Click here to book your free place.

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